Journal Club

/Journal Club
Journal Club 2024-09-01T23:09:36+00:00

NZMPA Journal Club 2024

This 60 minute zoom sessions dive into various articles, guidelines and consensus statements to help keep those in clinical practice up to date with current literature. Article links will be provided beforehand for those interested in reading. During the journal club, the topical article(s) will be presented briefly before a group discussion around key points. Discussion will be mediated by the NZMPA Executive Committee members who are organising that particular night.

We are encouraging members, or interested individuals, of all skill levels and experience to join and participate. Whether you come to learn, facilitate or broaden discussion, we hope that you will both benefit your own clinical practice and the overall Journal Club goal of encouraging high standards of clinical practice in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy.

Future Dates for 2024:

Monday 16 September – 7:30pm – Differentiating spinally related leg pain and symptoms

Monday 21 October – 7:30pm

Monday 18 November – 7:30pm

Monday 16 December – 7:30pm

NZMPA Journal Club Recordings

Journal Club #1 – Axioms for Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy practice and Patellofemoral Pain Consensus statement

Journal Club #2 – Diagnosing and Physiotherapy management of Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome

Journal Club #3 – Screening for Serious Spinal Pathologies

Journal Club #4 – The Management of Cervicogenic Headaches

Journal Club #5 – Shoulder muscle EMG

Journal Club #6 – Lumbar spine MRI, Friend or Foe?

Journal Club #7 – Bridging the research to practice gap: Could a CAT be the answer?

Journal Club #8 – M&M’s: Not the Confectionary! Mediators and Moderators: Identifying prognostic factors associated with clinical outcomes

Journal Club #9 – Donkeys, Horses, Zebras and those Unicorns. Cervical Spine Screening – the story so far

Journal Club #10 – Motor Learning, Cognition, Performance and Pain

Journal Club #11 – Balance Assessment and Training

Journal Club #12 – Cervical Myelopathy

Journal Club #13 – Optimising the use of Analgesia to treat MSK and neuropathic pain to maximise your clients’ outcomes in Physiotherapy

Journal Club #14 – Does Your Bedside Neurological Examination for Suspected Peripheral Neuropathies Measure Up?

Journal Club #15 – Can LBP Be Specific?

Journal Club #16 – The latest from Peter O’Sullivan’s team; an RCT on Cognitive Functional Therapy for Chronic Low Back Pain

Journal Club #17 – New international concussion consensus statement

Journal Club #18 – How Does Exercise Work? Mechanisms and Dosage

Journal Club #19 – Myofascial trigger points (MTP)

Journal Club #20 – Cervical Myelopathy Part 2: Rabbit Holes, Red Herrings and Clinical Work Up of Cervical Myelopathy

Journal Club #21 –Direct Access in Physiotherapy. The changing face of primary care

Journal Club #22 – “I don’t know why I’ve got this pain!” Allostasis as a possible explanatory model

Journal Club #23 – What did I miss? Rethinking red flag screening

Journal Club #24 – What is the relationship between load and chronic low back pain?

Journal Club #25 – 40 years of aches and niggles – getting old, get on with it or get tested?

Journal Club #26 – IFOMPT Congress Basel 2024 – walking amongst legends

Click on the link to access the recording, supporting documents, slides and attendance certificate. 

Any queries or trouble accessing links please contact us on