NZMPA Certificate in Orthopaedic Manual Therapy (COMT)




This programme, which has been introduced in 2015 and which replaces the previous MCEP programme, provides an opportunity for physiotherapists to undertake a comprehensive, post-graduate level course that will enhance their ability to diagnose and manage patients with disorders of the musculoskeletal system. The 2020 COMT content is delivered over a series of weekends starting with either Upper with The Cervical Spine or Lower with Low Back Pain Part 1, and following sequentially the other component weekends.

The remainder of the programme is made up of weekend courses which focus on the different body regions, with a consistent format of discussion of theoretical underpinnings, contemporary evidence-based principles, pragmatic clinical practice and practical demonstration and learning. The strong foundations of manual and manipulative therapy that NZMPA is renowned for, are inherent to this new programme.

To attain the certificate, all components of the programme must be completed. Ideally, weekends should be attended in the order presented as knowledge and skills covered in early weekends is built upon over subsequent weekends.  COMT can be completed in a single year, some participants undertake over two years splitting the upper and lower course components, up to five years to complete all modules.

Please see the 2025 course list here.